Dates and deadlines

Whether you’re thinking about applying, you’ve submitted your application, or you’ve received an offer of admission to UBC, there are important deadlines to keep in mind. Find out which dates you need to watch out for in this phase of your journey.

Choose a campus

Vancouver campus

You’re preparing to apply to UBC

Early October 2024

Application opens

November 15, 2024

Scholarships and awards

December 1, 2024

Scholarships and awards

December 1, 2024

First-round offers of admission

January 15, 2025

Applications due

You've applied to UBC

January 31, 2025

Interim transcripts

Grade submissions

January 31, 2025

International Scholars Program applicants

February 15, 2025


March 1 to March 15, 2025

Grade submissions

Late January to April 2025

Admissions decisions

March 15, 2025

Out-of-country documents

April 15 to 30, 2025

Scholarship announcements

May to June 2025

Admissions decisions

May 31, 2025

International documents

June 30, 2025

Course completion

September 15, 2025

Bursary applications

You’ve been admitted to UBC

May 1, 2025

Accept your offer!

Housing applications

Early May 2025

Study permits

May 15, 2025

Final transcripts

June 1, 2025

Accept your offer!

Early June 2025

Housing offers

Late June 2025

Course registration

June 30, 2025

Final transcripts