Domestic Contract Information

Specific Item Numbers
SIN 33721 Furniture Systems, Computer Furniture, Filing and Storage, Tables and Accessories, Upholstered Seating and Multi-Purpose Seating, Project Management, Reconfiguration and Relocation Services, Design/Layout and Installation Services
SIN33127 Modular Laboratory Furniture Systems
SIN33721P Packaged Office
SIN NEW New Product Introductions
SIN OLM Order-Level Materials
SIN 532289 Leasing

Ordering Information

For ordering information throughout the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Pacific Rim and Latin America, please contact:

Herman Miller, Inc.
c/o Participating Dealer
Government Customer Care 0161
855 East Main Ave.
Zeeland, MI 49464
Tel 877 464 4681 (toll free)
Fax 616 654 5749

For ordering information throughout Europe and the Middle East, please contact:

Herman Miller Ltd.
Martina Scott
Methuen Park
Wiltshire SN14 0GF
United Kingdom
Tel 44 1249 70 7453
Fax 44 845 430 9250