CFP Board Resources Outline Impact of 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act on the CFP® Exam

CFP Board has released two resources for CFP Board Registered Programs and CFP® Certification Examination candidates with information about the impact of the 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act on the CFP® exam, beginning with the November 2018 exam administration.

  1. The new CFP Board Key Elements | Tax Cuts and Jobs Act 2017 document, developed by a diverse group of CFP® professionals brought together by CFP Board, outlines learning objectives that provide guidance on 25 critical elements of the tax law changes, from the perspective of the content covered by CFP® exam.
  2. The updated Tax Tables document that will be provided to candidates during the November 2018 CFP® exam now reflects 2018 tax law.

In May 2018, CFP Board announced that the November 2018 CFP® exam will be the first to incorporate 2018 tax law, providing CFP Board’s education partners ample time to integrate the new laws in their coursework, and giving exam candidates adequate time to prepare.

The November CFP® exam testing window is November 6-13, 2018, and registration is open through October 23, 2018. To qualify to sit for the exam, candidates must have successfully completed a course of study from a CFP Board Registered Program. The education verification deadline is October 10, 2018. Learn more and register at