Vance county stem early high school application

Enrollment applications for the 2014-2015 will be available at each elementary school beginning January 2, 2014. Complete applications are due by Friday, February 21, 2013 .

Enrollment/Lottery FAQs

Who can participates in the enrollment lottery process?
All students who submit a qualifying applications by the deadline will be included in the enrollment lottery and will either be offered a space at the Early High School STEM Program or placed on a waiting list.

What is a qualifying application?
A qualifying application is an application that is completed with the requested information (i.e. core teacher recommendations, essay, etc.)

Do children who attend the EHSSP go through a lottery for a space next year?
No. All children who attend the EHSSP this year are EHSSP students and will remain so for the coming school year.

If one sibling from a family is accepted, are all other siblings automatically accepted?
No. Siblings of students who attend the EHHSP during the 2012-2013 year must go through the same application process for their applicable grade.

How will I know if my child(ren) will be admitted?
The parent/guardian(s) of all children who will be offered admission will receive a letter in the mail advising them of their acceptance. Those who are on the waiting list will receive a letter advising them of their status on the waiting list for the applicable grade.

What do I need to do if my child is accepted?
Parents/guardians of students who receive an offer of admission must accept or decline the offer by the stated deadline date. Offers may be accepted by calling the program coordinator, Dana Bowden (252-492-2127, ext. 2307) and returning the acceptance slip included with the offer letter to the EHSSP no later than 5:00 pm. on the stated deadline date. Offers may also be declined by calling Ms. Bowden by 5:00 p.m on the stated deadline date. Offers to attend the EHSSP that are neither accepted nor declined by 5:00 p.m. on the stated deadline date will expire and that space will be made available to the next student on the waiting list.

What happens when my child’s name is put on the waiting list?
Your child will remain on the waiting list until a spot opens in the applicable grade. Please ensure that the EHHSP has your most updated contact information (address, phone numbers) so that we can reach you as soon as a spot becomes available.

If my child is not offered a spot at the EHSSP, will my application from this year carry over until next year?
No, a new application must be submitted each year.

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